Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkin Races

Sydney and Eldon wanted to do the second cross country race. They had to run the same distance as last time. Eldon improved and came in 4th of the kindergarten boys and Sydney, well she did place in the top 10 but she ran with her friend Maggie and they finished 9th and 10th. Still in the top 10 of the 5th grade girls. Way to go! There was a raffle after and Eldon won a brand new basketball! He was excited!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall Jumpstart Elementary Cross Country Races

The Dalles has some interesting events for kids. This year we participated in the Cross Country Races. Jumpstart is the organization that puts on the basketball camp for the area, which Sydney participated in this past summer.
Eldon after registration

The cutoffs were K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. Sydney wanted to participate as her friends Maggie and Max were going to run. So, we went up to Sorosis Park to register her. Eldon decided that he also wanted to participate. Paden opted not to run as he doesn't like to run.

At the starting line

We went to the starting line for the k-1 race. I was worried as he had never done this before and he didn't seem to recognize any other kid in the pack.

The Start of the Race

Eldon had to run a half a mile. He started about the middle of the pack. The high school cross country team was there to guide and run with the kids. One of our ward's young men were there.
Running to the Finish Line

Eldon came in 33rd which was pretty good. We didn't get to see much of his running as I was worried he would get lost at the finish line. He got a participation ribbon.Sydney and Maggie at the starting line

Then we headed over to the 4-5 grade starting line. There weren't as many kids in this race. Well, lots of boys and not so many girl. The 4-5 graders had to run 1.1 mile. I wondered how Sydney would do as she has done the mile at school in PE but never in a race.

Start of the 4-5th grade race

Sydney made a good start and her 5th grade teacher (Mr. Kiser) even said that she stayed at the front. Mr. Kiser had at least 4 of his students running in this race. This race was 1.1 mile and the kids had to run around the park.

Max and Sydney at the Finish Line. Max did a big push to finish in front of Sydney.

This race was longer so I did get to see some of Sydney running but again I went with the boys to the finish line to catch them there. Soon after, there was an awards ceremony. The people in charge had collected the tags of the incoming runners and placed them on a paper to see who was the top 10 in each grade and sex.

Eldon awarded

Eldon was the 8th Kindergarten boy to finish. Hurray!!!
Sydney awarded

Sydney was the 3rd 5th grade girl to cross the finish line. Maggie was the 8th. Amazing!!!! We are so proud of her, well of course of both kids.

Sydney and Eldon at the end of Sydney's race.

We may see more cross country running as the Pumpkin races are Oct 8th. I think there will be more to come. Eldon said that he wanted to run again and I think if Maggie and Max run again, Syd will too.